New OEM Partner ICONZ Ltd. First to Launch CM4all Sites in New Zealand

Content Administration AG (CM-AG), a arch developer of web-based applications, is appreciative to advertise that ICONZ has auspiciously launched CM4all Sites through its cast Freeparking, a New Zealand bazaar baton in area name registration, e-mail and website hosting services. Marketed beneath the artefact name “CreateASite” four altered website affairs are accessible for annual fees starting at NZ$299. Since its founding in 1992, ICONZ has congenital a acceptability as the arch hosting and connectivity aggregation of its affectionate in New Zealand. New Zealand’s government, accumulated and SME sectors all await on ICONZ’s absolute portfolio of managed hosting, aegis and connectivity services.

3.5_large“As a aggregation committed to excellence, we evaluated several armpit builders on the bazaar to acquisition the best. With its different account features, abundant accoutrement catalog, adjustment customization options and OEM readiness, we accept CM4all Sites is the appropriate band-aid for accouterment our barter with the best avant-garde DIY website architect accessible today,” explains Maria Brosnan, Business Manager at Freeparking.

CM4all Sites’ Instant Setup Page gets users up and active in abnormal by accouterment them with a complete pre-configured website. They additionally account from CM-AG’s avant-garde accoutrement technology, which allows for acceptable annoyance & drop, configuration, and adjustment of all website elements. Built-in widgets ambit from acquaintance forms through acclimate forecasts to amusing media connectivity with Twitter® and Facebook®. Users absorbed in e-commerce can advantage the boutique accoutrement to set up their own online boutique and accommodate it into their website. To agreement an consistently abreast ambit of features, CM4all Sites comes with an accessible accoutrement API that enables the affiliation of third-party casework and allows for connected development of widgets by CM-AG, OEM partners, and aliencomputer appliance engineers.

For bigger usability, a different WYSIWYG editor provides abounding annoyance & bead functionality and allows for absolute alteration after any pop-ups. The bigger adjustment archetypal enables users to absolutely individualize the included set of CSS templates by alteration all colors and fonts as able-bodied as abacus their own logos and images. A absolute book browser with an alternate bead area accelerates uploading to the user’s webspace and abundantly simplifies book management.

“We are aflame to see that our aboriginal OEM accomplice in New Zealand has auspiciously chip CM4all Sites into its absolute ambit of products. With our exceptional website architecture solution, both amateur and avant-garde users will acquisition the appropriate accoutrement to apprehend their actual own eyes of a able website with ease,” states Robert Schovenberg, CEO of CM-AG.

The user interface of the English-language adaptation of CM4all Sites was acclimatized to Freeparking’s accumulated design, and thecomputer appliance was installed in the company’s abstracts center. CM-AG safeguards the software’s availability with 24/7 abutment and continuously updates both the operating arrangement and thecomputer appliance application.

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About CM-AG:

Headquartered in Cologne, Germany, CM-AG develops and distributescomputer appliance and basement solutions based on CM4all’s scalable software, which enables the creation, aliment and accessible afterlight of websites, while additionally accouterment awful able online book storage, administration and administration solutions.

CM4all’s awful scalable technology is operated in an ASP model. The company’s amount articles are the website architecture solutions CM4all Sites and CM4all WebsiteCreator which are acclimatized for and accountant to alone OEM ally and are accessible in 20+ languages.

With over three actor advantageous barter worldwide, CM-AG is a arch developer of web-based applications for the Internet. CM4allcomputer appliance is broadcast common via arch telcos, MSOs, ISPs and web hosting companies, like 1&1 Internet AG, Deutsche Telekom AG, Endurance International Group Inc., Hostway, NTT Communications, Swisscom AG, Telefónica de España S.A.U, Terra Networks S.A., Tiscali S.p.A., Unitymedia GmbH and Verio Inc.