Passion for Your Product Fuels Social Media Success

Image Credit: kdonovan_gaddy at
Image Credit: kdonovan_gaddy at

Which person would you rather buy from: someone who’s enthusiastic about the topic and not only works in the field, but views it as his hobby or someone who’s just putting in the hours so he can get his paycheck? It’s a pretty easy decision. Your customers and Web visitors are likely to feel the same way. If you can communicate some of the zeal you have for your industry, company and product, you’re much more likely to gain repeat traffic and repeat sales.

Ways to communicate your knowledge and passion for your topic on your website

Most small businesses have no shortage of enthusiasm and passion for their product and industry. After all, that’s why you started your business. How do you communicate this passion to your readers?

1. Answer a question in a blog post. Many readers come to your site seeking the answer to a question. If you’re a dry cleaner, they may be looking for how to get rid of a particular stain. If you sell hardwood flooring, they might be looking for the best wood for their living room. If you’re a bakery, they may be looking for an icing recipe. You’ll see the questions that brought people to your site by looking at the search strings in your stats. Write blog posts about the most popular and difficult questions that bring people to your site. Talk to your readers as you would a neighbor or friend. Familiarity breeds confidence.

2. Tweet. Short, powerful posts on Twitter can keep your client base interested in what your company is doing without having to spend a lot of time composing and posting articles. It’s a good way to mix up any social media efforts you have in place. Are you new to Twitter? PC magazine offers tips on making the most of your tweets.

3. Be interactive. Everyone likes to feel included, especially your readers. Make them feel that they’re part of your company family with activities that show you value their input. You might have a “name the new sandwich” contest, invite them to a community appreciation day or ask them to vote on their favorite product.

4Embrace social media from the top. According to Forbes magazine, 82 percent of online buyers trust a company more if the CEO uses Facebook. For most small business owners, that’s easy. If you’re not accessible to your customers via social media, today’s the day to start.

5. Post regularly. Posting updates and blog entries on your website several times a week helps your site rank better in Google and shows your readers that you have a lot of interesting things to say about your industry.

Sharing your passion and enthusiasm isn’t expensive and the results of your efforts can be very rewarding. With just a little time and organization, you can give your visitors a sense of your vision and invite them to view you as a trusted friend, not just a company. After all, people are more likely to buy from friends than an impersonal storefront.