5 New Adventures To Have In Retirement

For many, the idea of retirement used to conjure up images of endless days of golf, bridge and quiet evenings, but ‘retirement’ has had a makeover and is now seen as the time to pursue your unfulfilled dreams and take on new adventures!

Here are our top tips for a fun-packed retirement…

Take up a new sport, and we’re not talking about bowls (unless you have a particular passion for bowls!). Try something a bit more active; perhaps rock climbing, football or squash.

Explore your surroundings by taking up walking or hiking. When we’re busy looking after our careers and families, we often neglect to see the beauty that surrounds us, but Britain has some spectacular scenery. Lonely Planet has put together a guide to the UK’s top ten walks which is a great starting point for some inspiration.

Taking up a musical instrument can be great for your confidence and your social life, with amateur music groups being found in most towns and villages. It’s a fantastic challenge to take up in retirement.

Learn a new language – learning a language is a great way to keep your mind active and scientists have suggested it might even be a way to keep dementia at bay! A new language can broaden your horizons and lead nicely onto…

going travelling! Travelling is no longer the domain of spotty teenager, eager to postpone the start of real life. Retirees have the time, resources and desire to take travelling to a whole new level. Your existing life experience will also help you appreciate your travels in a new way. Think more luxury yurts than bedbug-ridden youth hostels!

Retirement is no longer about a quiet life, it’s about chasing your dreams and new adventures! You’ve worked hard all your life and now is the time to cash on that hardwork and start reaping the rewards. A growing trend in the UK is the downsizing of large family properties to fund ‘once in a lifetime’ experiences, such as big-ticket holidays. However you choose to spend your retirement, make sure it’s a good one!