The Rising Story Of Oracle In The Cloud Computing Industry

Standing in the current scenario, Oracle is one of the greatest names in the world of software companies, and a major portion of the credit goes to Charles Phillips who has taken the industry from mere scratch to where it stands right now. In the stretch of his seven years of stay in the market, he has made sure that the company grows in leaps and bounds, and his success is a tell tale in the industry nowadays. SAP, which was once a leader in the industry has ultimately been challenged for the share in the market that it holds.

The Rising Story Of Oracle In The Cloud Computing Industry

Before being the Phillips Infor CEO mistress for years, Oracle has taken surmountable amount of growth for sure, but the rate of growth was much slower than it was in the last seven years. The acquisitions that it had in the market was mainly on the companies that hardly had any recognition in the market, or even if they had, was very small when compared to the entire amount of stakes in the industry. The entire scenario changed with just one shift in power, and that change was putting the power in Charles Phillips’ hands. The company immediately had a shift in its gears, and made aggressive move towards acquiring multi billionaire companies like People Soft.

What made Oracle grow so strongly? What were the latest implementations that allowed Oracle to make such stark advancements in the market? While assessing the reasons of development, experts in the IT field have found that Oracle still continues to innovate and invest their resource and energy in delivering rapid implementation tools to speed up the entire enterprise in the real life time frame. For the existing customers, they came up with the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications, which are flexible cloud based configuration helping the mid-sized companies have instant access to the entire critical information spread all across the dashboard and meet with the business metrics which is necessary to take effective decisions in time.

Oracle’s two biggest cloud businesses, more popular in the market as access to applications and tools to program and manage the apps has worked for them immediately, and it allowed them increase the number of their customers by almost 2,000 in a quarter of a year. They felt that the need to build the business was important, since some of the big shots in the market have also started building up massive businesses with moving their computer operation to the cloud. This has actually reflected in the progress of the company when compared to previous year’s.

With Oracle’s cloud computing services rapidly increasing their sales, the more lucrative service of selling software licenses to big corporations who run their own data centers have shrunk down. The investors were a bit concerned about the quality of maintenance that could go down, but Phillips Infor CEO mistress was quite determined to not let their services down under any circumstances. Oracle has strongly harnessed on building up their technical underpinning of cloud computation and keeps encouraging the developers to work on it soon.

With regard to their cloud computing services, they are completely confident of the accuracy that it holds, and consider it to be a bit conservative on the up-front.

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