Celebrate National Clean Out Your Fridge Day

Believe it or not, there is a real holiday on November 15th called National Clean Out Your Fridge Day. This is a holiday that many people need, and the timing is perfect with Thanksgiving coming up in just a few days. Depending upon just how messy your fridge is, you may need to get sponges, cleaning solution, a bucket and possibly one of those suits that they wore in “The Andromeda Strain.” However, the fact is, this holiday is the perfect one to do what you have been planning to do all during the months of Fall, get rid of everything that shouldn’t be in your fridge and do a major deep cleaning across the entire fridge and freezer.

open-refrigeratorMost people think of major cleaning when it comes Spring but the fact is, most people need to clean out their refrigerator about once a month. Of course that doesn’t mean that people actually do it. The deep cleaning of a fridge is done much less often than once a month for most people. But this is the perfect time because you are going to have leftover Thanksgiving food that will likely take up every shelf and Thanksgiving has so many goodies that you’ll want to save everything. No one really understands how National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day started, however some think it was actually created by a commercial from Whirlpool.

You should check your items carefully and throw out anything that you aren’t sure of. Of course, it goes without saying to throw out anything that is moldy or has some kind of other weird fuzz growing on it, but you should also check the items on the internet that you are planning to keep to make sure that they are not past their expiration. Everything has a point where it is not safe to eat anymore. You should also throw out stuff that you probably won’t use. It can be tempting to keep things “in case you need them” but experts say that if you are in doubt about something, throw it away. Your fridge should be kept at 40 degrees or below if you want to keep your food safe.