Is Your Privacy Compromised On The Web? How Your Info Is At Risk

Personal information is constantly being gathered and used across the Internet, particularly via through the latest tech devices such as smart phones and tablets. And while many companies are gathering and using data from places you wouldn’t even expect. Here are some of the most significant ways your data is being collected. While you are on Whatsapp, facebook or on other social media sites, you think your information is stored? Oh not at all, despite from different hacking tools for these social media, like whatsapp hack tool no survey, fb hacking tool and many more like these, social media and web companies also steal your identity. See how?

Is Your Privacy Compromised On The Web? How Your Info Is At Risk

Big Brother Google: Watching You via Everywhere You Go on the Internet

Command Centre

In a scenario that seemed to confirms everyone’s worst fears about Internet privacy, Google was recently found guilty of collecting private data from unsuspecting computer users. While photographing images for Street View, a mapping service, Google cameras picked up a wealth of personal information, including financial and medical records and passwords. In March 2013, Google settled the case by paying a fine of $7 million.

During the early days of the Internet, its harshest critics voiced fears that computers would one day assume a Big Brother-esque presence, where every movement and word could be tracked by an in-house monitor reminiscent of the giant interactive wall-screen in the movie “Fahrenheit 451.”

Google’s infraction served as a wake-up call: Should we be willing to pay for Internet convenience at the expense of our personal privacy?

Social Networks: Why Your Information is at Risk


In 2012, the Wall Street Journal studied 100 of the most popular Facebook apps — including Skype and Yahoo — to see how much personal information is gleaned in exchange for downloading an app. The results showed that users are asked to share everything from their email and physical addresses to their sexual preferences and religious beliefs.

Private information is being launched into cyberspace at such an alarming rate, industry analysts warn that many sites may be transmitting personal information to Internet advertisers and other tracking entities.

To end this, super high-speed Internet connections like clear high speed internet– not to mention the advent of smart phones, tablets and other hand-held mobile devices — have made it increasingly possible for us to access sites and apps that ask for our information. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, of course, but it pays to use a little common sense in terms of utilizing security settings on your device or browser.

The Bottom Line: Personal Data= Dollar

Internet advertising is fueled by personal information that’s collected and used to create ads that are custom-tailored to certain markets or demographics. To solve the other part of the equation, it’s worth nothing that, according to media analyst BIA/Kelsey, local online advertising revenues in the U.S. are expected to reach $38.1 billion by 2016.

In the real world, there’s no such thing as a truly free Internet service. Any company that offers a free service is really asking you to pay with your personal information; and the more information a company can collects, the more valuable it becomes.

Whether we like it or not, personal information has become the new real estate of cyberspace; and real estate — in this case, about $38 billion dollars’ worth — is still the world’s most valuable commodity.