Which person would you rather buy from: someone who’s enthusiastic about the topic and not only works in the field, but views it as his hobby or someone who’s just putting in the hours so he can get his paycheck? It’s a pretty easy decision. Your customers and Web visitors are likely to feel the… Continue reading Passion for Your Product Fuels Social Media Success
Category: Health
Should I Hire a Private Investigator to Conduct Background Checks for My Business?
As a business owner, you know how very important it is that you have the right people working on your team of employees. For this reason, you must take extra special care during the recruitment and hiring process to identify those candidates that are the best for the position, as well as those candidates that… Continue reading Should I Hire a Private Investigator to Conduct Background Checks for My Business?
Do Your Job Candidates Feel Welcome?
While it may be true that there is an abundance of job seekers out there and you are likely to have a multitude of applicants for a single position, it is also true that you, as an employer, are responsible for meeting those applicants at least halfway when it comes to enthusiasm and interest. If… Continue reading Do Your Job Candidates Feel Welcome?
Print is Not Dead…Totally
Though we live in a technologically-based environment, print media is still an important part in our day-to-day lives. Contrary to popular belief, print media is not dead, well, at least not yet anyway. Because it is still alive, there is no reason why you, a small business owner, cannot take advantage of print media advertising.… Continue reading Print is Not Dead…Totally
7 Tips for Successfully Using Social Media to Market Your Ecommerce Site
Social media can be a powerful marketing tool for your ecommerce business, but perhaps not in the way you’d naturally imagine. Correct use of social media requires some specific considerations, if you want to attract people rather than turn them off. Successful social media marketing for ecommerce is a game all its own. Know your… Continue reading 7 Tips for Successfully Using Social Media to Market Your Ecommerce Site
Social Media is a Proven Tool for Ecommerce Sites: So What Are You Waiting For?
If you are an Internet entrepreneur, then you are already well aware of the power and influence of the online community when it comes to your business’ success (or lack thereof). Therefore, you simply cannot afford to overlook any of the ways in which the Internet can be used to your advantage, and that means… Continue reading Social Media is a Proven Tool for Ecommerce Sites: So What Are You Waiting For?
Design Is The First Priority
Don’t judge a book by its cover. While most of us are probably familiar with this old age, we still make judgments each day based on sight alone. It’s not petty. It’s human nature. Beautiful people. Interesting architecture. Art. As a species, we humans appreciate things that are aesthetically pleasing. Websites are no exception to… Continue reading Design Is The First Priority
Best Educational Apps for BlackBerry phones and tablets
Learning is no longer consigned to the classroom. There’s a global information revolution underway. Universities in America are offering free courses online, iTunes contains terabytes of institution-rich video lectures and study materials, and mobile phones that we carry with us 91 percent of the time (according research by Gartner) now grant us access to… Continue reading Best Educational Apps for BlackBerry phones and tablets
Do You Want an Ultrabook or a Tablet?
The world, it seems, appears to be converging on one single ultimate device. We’ve got Google Glass in the corner, Intel’s Ultrabook specifications trying to take control, and Apple’s ‘Post-PC’ assertions helping tablets to gain mass appeal. Companies like Lenovo and (with less success) HP and Sony are constantly reinventing how we use… Continue reading Do You Want an Ultrabook or a Tablet?
Top Android Apps to Help You Find a Job
Tablets have quickly become indispensable to millions of students across the world, used to play games, watch video, listen to music, surf the web and occasionally even do some work! However, one talent that your tablet could yet showcase is its ability to help you get a job with the help of some great apps.… Continue reading Top Android Apps to Help You Find a Job